Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mountain Landscapes Initiative - Looking for input

The Mountain Landscapes Initiative is an effort, sponsored by the Community Foundation of Western NC and the Southwestern Commission, to create resources that can help communities throughout the mountains of western North Carolina address growth and development challenges. The first phase of this initiative, which is being carried out in 2007-08, is aimed at designing a growth management “toolbox” for Region A—the area encompassing the state’s seven westernmost counties and the Qualla Boundary. The toolbox will equip local governments, developers, and landowners to guide development in ways that foster economic prosperity while stewarding environmental and cultural resources.

In order for the Region A Toolbox to be useful, it must reflect the values, concerns, and visions of the region’s citizens. Therefore, the project team is soliciting public input during a series of Community Forums. At each Forum, participants will view a documentary video based on interviews conducted around the region. Then they will have a chance to share their own vision for the region's future. The dates of the forums are as follows:

Macon: Th, April 3 / Community Facilities Bldg / drop in 10am – 6pm; meeting 6:30pm – 8pm

Haywood: Tu, April 8 / Waynesville Rec Center / drop in 10am – 6pm; meeting 6:30pm – 8pm

Swain: Th, April 10 / SCC (Old Almond School) / drop in 10am – 6pm; meeting 6:30pm – 8pm

Clay: Sa, April 19 / Courthouse / drop in 10am – 2:30pm; meeting 3pm – 4:30pm

Cherokee: Tu, April 22 / Murphy Library / drop in 10am – 6pm; meeting 6:30pm – 8pm

Qualla Boundary: Th, April 24 / EMS Building / no drop in; meeting 5pm – 8pm

Graham: Sa, April 26 / Community Building / drop in 10am – 2:30pm; meeting 3pm – 4:30pm

Jackson: Tu, April 29 / Community Services Bldg / drop in 10am – 6pm; meeting 6:30pm – 8pm

These forums are a great opportunity for you to have a say in how our region grows; we hope you will participate. All participants will have the chance to win a free ride over the region in a small plane, courtesy of SouthWings!

Also, save the dates for the charrette (public workshop) at which the Region A Toolbox will be designed: May 13-20.

For more information: Gabriel Cumming, Outreach Director:, 919-260-1891 Ben Brown, Communications Director:, 828-508-5002

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