Dear Friends:
I am writing to let you know of the latest happenings and upcoming events for the Marianna Black Library's Friends organization.
Regretfully, Meredith Lawson has resigned her post as President of the Friends. Jeff Delfield, Marianna Black Librarian has asked me to serve as interim president until elections can be held to elect a permanent slate of officers. I agreed, glad to be able to continue working to make our Library one of the best.
Teresa Maynard will thankfully continue to serve so ably as Treasurer. Elise Delfield and Jennifer Ohly have volunteered to help in this transition period and I have asked them to take on several important jobs. Jennifer has agreed to serve as interim secretary to help with communications. Elise will head up event planning and fundraising.
The 2006 Membership Meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m., Sunday afternoon, December 10th at the Library. Local author Bonnie Cochran will be the speaker. Bonnie wrote and self-published a book, Ways of Old, telling about her life growing up in the 1950s in the Great Smoky Mountains. Because of her many acts of kindness and generosity in her community, she was named one of three nationwide finalists for "Country Woman" magazine's 'Country Woman of the Year.'
And of course, there will be good food! Julia Hunt, famous for the Everett Street Diner will be providing some of her tasty dishes for us to enjoy. December is a busy month indeed, but I hope you will make time to join your fellow library supporters for what promises to be a delightful afternoon.
A Spring Membership Meeting will be held in April, date yet to be determined. Also being discussed are several fundraising events, including a book and author dinner and Everett Street Diner fundraiser. We'll need lots of willing hands to make these successful.
Lastly, note that a membership renewal form is enclosed with this letter. You are receiving this letter because you joined the Friends in the past. We are asking you to renew your membership and encourage your friends and neighbors to show their support of the library by joining as well.
I'm excited to be working with Jeff and all of you to make the MBL Friends one of the strongest not only in the Fontana Regional Library system, but in the state! I know all of you will want to continue the Swain County tradition of taking care of our own and will be generous in giving your time and monetary support of the library.
Gail Findlay