Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Plate Tectonics class at Chimney Rock

Homeschool Events for 2006

Outdoor Classroom for Homeschoolers: Plate Tectonics
Dates: Dec 11th
Cost: $10 per student, $11.50 for parent: Annual passholders $7 per student, free for parents
Ages: All Ages

In Chimney Rock Park's Outdoor Classroom, the pages of textbooks come alive! The topic for December's program is Plate Tectonics

The theory of Plate tectonics has fasinated people for ages. Students will learn how the continents move and what that does to the land where we live. Volcanoes and earthquakes are both common natural disasters in today's world; learn what triggers these extraordinary events.

All homeschool programs are on the second Monday of each month from 1:30pm to 3:00pm. Each program will feature a different topic of study.

Pre-registration is required one week prior to program date. Some additional material fees may apply. Call 800-277-9611 to register!

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