Friday, September 28, 2007

High School Options Forum

> Hello all.
> This is an advance notice / request for RSVP / plea for
> help for a HIGH SCHOOL OPTIONS forum being planned
> for next month.
> It will be on Tuesday, October 23rd, from 7-10 pm,
> at the Friends Meeting House on Edgewood Road.
> If you plan to come, please RSVP (
> by October 9th. The Meeting House is not huge, and
> we'll need time to find a bigger space if necessary.
> We are hoping to find a parent/student pair to represent
> each of the options listed below. Each pair will be
> asked to speak briefly to these general questions:
> What else did you consider?
> How was the transition from homeschool?
> What are the pros and cons?
> How has the academic experience been?
> How has the social experience been?
> And then will have a few minutes to answer questions.
> Unfortunately, to keep the forum from lasting into the
> small hours, we can only allot 10 minutes to each pair.
> There will be an hour of free mingling and munching time
> at the end to informally discuss things further.
> We plan to have a table with any literature we've gathered
> about the programs/places, but no "presentation" talks.
> Here are the options we've come up with. If we've missed
> anything, please let me know. If you would be willing to
> represent any of these, or have ideas of whom we might ask,
> PLEASE let me ( know. We do of course
> have leads for some -- others are wide open.
> * distance learning high schools (Laurel Springs, what else?)
> * internet AP classes
> * Asheville High
> * Asheville School
> * Carolina Day
> * New Classical (only 9th grade so far)
> * AB Tech Early College program
> * NC School of Math & Science in Durham
> * NC School of the Arts in Winston-Salem
> * AB Tech concurrent enrollment program
> We'll send out another announcement closer to the date,
> but mark your calendars and RSVP!!! (or you'll be relegated
> to the porch, lipreading through the windows).
> Thanks!
> Tahani S.

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