Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rwandans Come To SCC

Southwestern Community College (JACKSON Campus) will be hosting the Mizero
> (Hope) Children of Rwanda Tour, on Tuesday October 23 from 10:00-11:40 in
> Myers Auditorium.
> The tour is coming to the States to perform at two UN sponsored events,
> one
> in Montreal and one in New York City. We are able to host the group
> because
> one of the tour group coordinators is a former SCC graduate.
> The person leading the tour is Jean Paul Samptu, an internationally known
> musician. In addition to Jean Paul, the group is composed of 12 boys and
> girls ages 9-15 who are either orphans of the genocide of 1994 or AIDS.
> The
> group brings a message of how real reconciliation can come from the world,
> even when it arises out of the worst possible trials.
> The 90 minute performance consists of an educational component, some
> testimonies by the children, traditional drumming and dancing.
> In addition to seeking support to stay on the radar screen of the world,
> the
> kids are also attempting to raise money to provide basic housing for the
> boys - they live in a bank parking lot when they are home in Kigali,
> Rwanda.
> If they don't get to their parking lot by the time it is locked up at the
> end of the day, the police pick them up an put them in jail, which is both
> unsanitary and unsafe.
> Performances like this happen upon us much too infrequently. I hope you
> will seriously consider including this performance in your educational
> offerings.
> If you have any more questions, please give me a call at 800-447-4091 ext.
> 245.
> Cheryl
> Cheryl Contino-Conner, Director
> Student Support Services
> Southwestern Community College
> 447 College Drive
> Sylva NC 28779
> (800) 447-4091, ext. 231

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