Friday, March 9, 2007

Needmore Cleanup on March 24th

There will be a cleanup of the Needmore Game Lands (along Needmore Rd) on Saturday, March 24th. Volunteers for the cleanup should meet at the Hightower Baptist Church at 8 am for doughnuts and coffee/juice. Wear good walking shoes/boots, and work gloves. Orange vests, bags and bottled water will be provided. A Lasagna lunch will be served at 1 pm.

Many of our ACES have participated in the cleanups in previous years, and have had a great time while helping out our community. Both the Hart's and the Tyson's have adopted sections of Needmore Road, and Cheryl Taylor is the contact person for the cleanup (828-488-3934 or

The cleanup is sponsored by Mountain Neighbors for Needmore Preservation, in partnership with the Little Tenn Land Trust and the NCWildlife Resources Commmission.

Hope to see you there!

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