Friday, April 13, 2007

Don't Miss 'Kilowatt Ours' at Library on Monday

Kilowatt Ours
Monday, April 16th at 5:30 pm

Vance and I saw this film a couple of months ago - it's focused on where a lot of our energy comes from (coal), the impact of strip mining, but more importantly, what each of us can do to save energy. The last part of the film talks about what steps a normal family can take to save energy, specifically the savings in energy usage (and dollars!) possible by swapping over to Compact Florescent Lights (CFLs, now available at most stores that sell light bulbs).

It's a really cute film that packs a powerful message. Vance came home a convert, and really took an interest in saving energy (he faithfully turns out the light in his room now after viewing this film, and hounded me until we swapped over most of our lights to CFLs).

Highly recommended!
There was a decent sized crowd to view 'An Inconvienent Truth' last week, so you probably won't be sitting by yourself ;-) - Mark

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