18 seconds to change a lightbulb
This is a little off topic, but I've added a feature to the website from 18seconds.org, which tracks the number of Compact Florescent Light bulbs sold in an area since the beginning of the year. CFL's are now widely offered at many stores (Lowes and Walmart carry a wide selection).
18seconds.org is a project sponsored by Yahoo to encourage consumers to swap to CFLs, thus saving energy and reducing carbon emissions. I've setup our website to display CFL's sold in North Carolina, along with the savings in electric costs and carbon emissions.
Although the initial cost of a CFL is higher than a traditional incandescent bulb, they last far longer and use much less electricity (approximately 1/4). They will more than pay for themselves over time thru reduced electric and replacement costs.
Australia recently banned incandescent light bulbs, legislating that they must be replaced with CFLs or other low wattage options over the next three years. The state of California is considering similar legislation.
Regardless of your opinion on Global Warming, I think everyone can agree that saving energy is a worthwhile goal. Changing your lights to use CFL bulbs is a simple way (it just takes 18 seconds!) to help accomplish this goal and save yourself some money at the same time. CFL's today do not have the problems associated with older florescent lights - the harsh glare and flicker. I swapped about half the bulbs in our house and Denise never noticed the difference until I told her ;-)
- Mark
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