Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Upcoming Events at Mountian Heritage Center

"Winter Gatherings" Old Time Music and Bluegrass Jam
Featuring Cullowhee Creek
Thursday, February 1
Concert 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.                 
Open Jam 8:00
- 9:00 p.m.
Come and play or listen!  

Arti-Facts! for children
Party Foods of the 1920s
Sunday, February 4
- 3:30 p.m.
Reservations required.

Airing of the Coverlets exhibit
Opens February 7 through April 5
Watch for special events with this exhibit.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Fun Friday Activity is a trip to Wilderness Taxidermy

This weeks Fun Friday Activity is a trip to Wilderness Taxidermy ( in Franklin (5040 Highlands Rd. 828-524-3677).  They are about 4 miles from downtown Franklin on NC 64 (Highlands Rd) on the left hand side of the road.  We will meet there at 11:00.  Pack a sack lunch.  I personally think it will be too cold to ride bikes on Friday.  Instead, let's plan to eat lunch at the Greenway playground after our tour.  If you are planning to attend, please let Barb know (488-9039 or  Thanks!

ACES Valentines Party !

Mark your calendar now!

This year's Valentines Party will be hosted by the Tyson's at the Myers Art Enrichment Studio , on Friday, Feb 16th.

The Studio is located at the corner of Everett and Main Street in Bryson City, in the former location of Aunt B's Donuts.

Refreshments will be served, and everyone will participate in multiple art projects designed by Jim Myers. The kids should bring valentines for their friends, and a bag to carry received valentines home in.

The party will run from 1:30-4:30. Parents, feel free to drop your Ace off.

Please call 488-3878 and let us know you are coming!

Monday, January 29, 2007

New Classical Academy Meeting still on

The information meeting for the New Classical Academy tonite (Monday) in Sylva is still on, even though the New Classical campus in Weaverville is closed today due to snow and ice.

Meeting is at 6:30pm at the large Methodist Church downtown Sylvia (near the post office). New Classical offers a joint enrollment and an enrichment program for Homeschoolers

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

WCQS broadcasting on the Internet

I know a lot of you are Public Radio fans. WCQS (the local NPR station) is now broadcasting on the internet. Nice for those of us sitting back in a hollow ;-) - Mark


We are pleased to announce that you can now here WCQS anywhere in the world! We are streaming our signal online at Go to the web site and click on the 'listen now'.

Go to our homepage to see the 'listen now' button.

Proposed Outings

Hi! I'm busily planning trips and activities for Feb. & March and need to have an idea as to how many folks are interested in the following trips (so that we can finalize our arrangements). Please note that these dates are slightly different from those sent out a few weeks ago (sorry, not all of our desired dates were available). Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in the following so that I can provide information to our contacts about how many of us might attend.:

March 16 1:00 pm Rainforest Adventure (Pigeon Forge)

This is a live animal show and an educational facility to tour afterwards. Plan on 45 minutes for the show and an hour for touring afterwards. I strongly encourage you to visit their website at (click on "support materials" on the left hand bar for really wonderful pre-visit information). Cost will be $4.00 for students and $7.00 adults.

March 23 10:00 am Carl Sandburg Home (Flat Rock, NC)

There is a tour of the house of the famous poet with interpretive history. The home includes a dairy goat farm which was operated by Mrs. Sandburg. There are also nature trails and picnic areas. Please visit for more information. The park staff recommends reviewing the website before your visit, especially the section called "Imagine It". I must apply for an educational fee waiver (in other words, students should be free), parent/teachers may have to pay $5.00 to tour the house.

Please contact me at or 488-9039 if you are interested in either of these trips. Your prompt reply makes planning these events much easier and is greatly appreciated. Thanks & happy homeschooling!


Monday, January 22, 2007

Homeschool Conference in Andrews

There  is going to be  homeschool conference in Andrews.  They have tentatively scheduled Jeannie Fulbright , the author of the Apologia series of science textbooks,  to do a workshop/seminar on Sat. March 10th (See below)

It will be from 1pm or so to 5pm. Cost will probably be $15 preregistered/ $10 at the door.

If interested, you can get more information at  

This will include a couple of workshops with breaks and time for questions and answers. Jeannie Fulbright will have her books available.


Methods that Win and Methods that Wipe Out

Jeannie's workshop will uncover the reasons why we get discouraged and burnt-out as we travel along the road of homeschooling. She will explain how many homeschool moms employ philosophies, techniques and methodologies that consume a great deal of time and energy with little results. We tie up heavy burdens and place them on our backs and struggle through each day using overy difficult principles and practices that drag us down. By mid-year, we are so exhuasted and depleted that we wonder how we'll ever get through. Consequently, the joy of following God's will by homeschooling is missing. This should not be!

Jeannie will discuss some of the wasteful methods and describe winning methods you can use to replace those that wipe you out. She'll explain the latest research in educational methodology as well as time-tested practices in education that the founders of our country used to achieve an excellent education. She'll give practical tips and ideas that will breathe life into your school day. Included will be ideas for organizing your school day, scheduling and fitting difficult to teach subjects into the week.

  She will also discuss the value of notebooking and have examples of her childrens' on hand as well.

ACES Taxidermy Outing - Feb 2

ACES Fun Friday - Mark Your Calendar!

Feb 2nd, Friday 11:00 a.m.

Meet at the Taxidermy Shop (about 4 miles in on the Highland Hwy. from Franklin going toward Highlands on the left side of the road)

Bring a sack lunch and your bicycles for an outing on the Greenway afterwards!

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Big Read - To Kill a Mockingbird is the title for the The Big Read which is new to this area ~ the same concept as Together We Read.  Programs are being coordinated now.  PLEASE CALL THE LIBRARY (MBL) 488-3030 IF INTERESTED.  TALK WITH JEFF (HIS EXTENSION is 28) FOR MORE INFO AS IT COMES.  This will be taking place spring 2007 and may be a good enrichment for some kids/adults

Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :

Biltmore Trip Friday 1/26

It is not to late to sign on to the Biltmore trip. If you are interested, please contact Barbara Hart at or 488-9039. As a passholder, I am entitled to 4 free adult passes during the month of January. Children under the age of 16 are free and any additional adult passes are $10.00 each. So this is a wonderful opportunity to see the estate for a drastically reduced price.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think the following families have committed to this trip, the Tysons (2 adults, 1 child), the Shells (1 adult, 2 children), the Taylors (1 adult, 2 children), the Winchesters (1 adult, 1 child). I am not sure about the status of the Wilcox family (Bonnie, can you let me know?). In order to be equitable to all, I am asking that each adult pay a portion of the entry fee. For example, if we have five adults attending (in addition to myself), I am asking that each adult pay $2.00.

We should be able to tour the house and conservatory before lunch. Jesse and I will be planning to purchase lunch on the Estate. I think you can brown bag lunch. I think they have some tables outside for this purpose. If the weather is nice some (or all) of us can tour the gardens or tour the recently opened horse barn (near the winery) after lunch. We can also tour the winery after lunch if people are interested.

I know some folks have another event scheduled for the afternoon and if they want to leave before lunch, that is fine too.

We will meet at the front gate of the estate at 10:00 am. If you enter the estate and turn left at the first available turn around, you can park in front of the gift shop (since I doubt we will all arrive at the exact same moment). My cell number is 736-1801. FYI.

To make the most of this as an educational experience, there is a student resource guide which you might want to check out. Go to On the right hand side of this page is a place to download the resource guide. Other information about the estate can best be accessed by going to the site map portion of their website (I find it difficult to find information on this site except via this method).

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Fun Friday - BookIt at Pizza Hut

Calling All ACES!

Meet at Pizza Hut for BookIt
on Friday (Jan 19) at Noon.

A Fabulous Fun Feeding Frenzy.....

See you there!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Sylva School

Information about The New Classical Academy, a new private school in Sylva.

New Classical Academy offers a homeschool enrichment program, where homeschoolers attend classes one day a week.

The New Classical Academy of Sylva will open in the fall of 2007. The school will be located at the First United Methodist Church on Jackson Street in downtown Sylva. There will be two classes, K-2 and 3-6, housed in the newest part of the church building. In addition, the school will have access to the wonderful basketball gym and the playground.

There will be an informational meeting at the church on Monday, January 29 at 6:30 pm. The founders and directors, Kate Hyde and Kelly Homolka, will give a presentation and answer questions. There will be student work and curriculum to view, and registration packets will be available.

Sylva school interiorIf you would like to visit The New Classical Academy before then, the Weaverville school is open and welcomes visitors. Call the director, Kelly Homolka, at 828-658-8317 to set up a time to visit during the school day.

Tuition for the traditional program is $7500, for the distance learning program it is$4750, and for the home school enrichment program it is $1700. There is a 25% discount for siblings. Tuition is payable in ten equal payments.

Please feel free to call or email with any additional questions.

Kelly Homolka
Founder and Director
The New Classical Academy (of Sylva)
828-658-8317 school office

WCU Honors Martin Luther King on Jan. 18th

A couple of events in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. on Thursday, January 18th at Western Carolina University. Both programs are free and open to the public. The Harlem Gospel Choir has a great reputation - Mark T.

Guest Speaker: Ms. Tonya Williams, General Counsel for Senator Marc Basnight
Fine & Performing Arts Center

Performance: Harlem Gospel Choir
Fine & Performing Arts Center

The world famous Harlem Gospel Choir is one of the pre-eminent gospel choirs in the world. It travels the globe, sharing its joy of faith through its music, & raising funds for children's charities. The Choir was founded in 1986 by Allen Bailey, who got the idea for the Choir while attending a celebration in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the renowned Cotton Club in Harlem. The Choir is a gathering of the finest singers and musicians from various Black Churches in Harlem.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

ACES Fun Friday - Swimming at Waynesville!

Calling all ACES!

Swimming at Waynesville Recreation Center at 1:30 this Friday, Jan 12

Please go to the website for prices or directions.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The Link ~ The Nation's Homeschool Newspaper

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January 09, 2007
In This Issue:
So, here we are! 2007! The New Year.
Unschooling Leads to Self-Motivated Learning by Alison McKee
Looking Back After A Year of College, Part Two by Shannon Clair
Digital Frog Software by Kyle Zook
Concordia Language Villages: The world of academic summer camps Review by Jeffrey Paul Oakar
Language Software Language Learning Today: What Works?
The Lukeion Project Review by K. Miller
Homeschool News Latest Updates
Copyright Notice
So, here we are! 2007! The New Year.

<strong>So, here we are! 2007! The New Year.</strong> The new "semester" in some homeschooling families' academic calendar. This is a wonderful time to evaluate the journey ahead and make alterations and additions. Where do you want your child to be, academically in June? Viewing an academic challenge in the light of this sort of time period can be very helpful, but beware of allowing it to limit you. [read more]
Unschooling Leads to Self-Motivated Learning by Alison McKee

<strong>Unschooling Leads to Self-Motivated Learning</strong> by 
Alison McKee How often have you considered the unschooling option, only to put such thoughts aside because you don't think your child is the self-motivated learner that one needs to be in order to make unschooling work? Maybe you think this way because your child is similar to this one: A five-year-old who spends hours of time absorbed in imaginative play. [read more]
Looking Back After A Year of College, Part Two by Shannon Clair

<strong>Looking Back After A Year of College, Part Two</strong> by 
Shannon Clair The noise in the room was overwhelming. In the centre, under the dim, pink light, a circle of partiers was drunkenly singing Bohemian Rhapsody and snatches of other classic rock-n-roll. Ridiculous laughter and shouted conversations, enlivened by various specially named drinks full of vodka and Bacardi, filled the rest of the room. [read more]
<a href="">American Science Surplus</a>
Digital Frog Software by Kyle Zook

<strong>Digital Frog Software </strong>by Kyle Zook Wow. I have to say, over the years, I've come across a great multitude of educational software offerings, but many have fallen short of my expectations. I guess that's why I feel so fortunate to have come across this series of scientific software offered by Digital Frog, International. [read more]
Concordia Language Villages: The world of academic summer camps Review by Jeffrey Paul Oakar

<strong>Concordia Language Villages: The world of academic summer camps</strong> 
Review by Jeffrey Paul Oakar June. Warm, sunny laughter is spilling from the dining hall. The kids are singing boisterous songs in French about baguettes and tomato salad. The counselors wear silly hats and exaggerated expressions as they lead the mealtime presentation

July. [read more]
<a href="">Little Seats</a>
Language Software Language Learning Today: What Works?

<strong>Language Software Language Learning Today: What Works?</strong> As a homeschool parent, you know the value of language learning. You know that second-language study improves scores on entrance exams and strengthens applications for colleges and jobs, and you want your children to be well rounded. But with publishers and curriculum companies offering different textbooks, audio CDs, videos, and software, choosing the right materials for second-language study at home can be a challenge. [read more]
The Lukeion Project Review by K. Miller

<strong>The Lukeion Project</strong> Review by K. Miller Aristotle fostered a zeal for the philosophy and study of all disciplines in the ancient world. At his school near Athens, near the Lukeion or "lyceum", students were encouraged to walk around and actually examine the world, rather than sitting in the classroom. [read more]
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Homeschool News Latest Updates

<strong>Homeschool News Latest Updates</strong> Homeschoolers Take Award First Year

The Bricklayers, a homeschool team of David Hale, 10, Owen Sandercox, 10, Tristan Speed, 11, Andrew Early, 12 and Joseph Yen, 10, has a reason to be happy about its hard work. In the recent state LEGO tournament of Connecticut, the team took home third place in creative representation. [read more]
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