2007 Student Poetry Contest
This is rather short notice (poems must be postmarked by Jan 10th), but I just saw the notice for this today ;-( - Mark T.
See website for more details, prizes, etc.......Sponsored by the NC Poetry Society
For Students of North Carolina Schools
Who may enter this contest?
— Students in Grade 3 through Undergraduate.
What are the contest categories?
The Travis Tuck Jordan Award
is for students in Grades 3 — 5.
The Joan Scott Memorial Award
is for poems about the environment
and is for students in Grades 3 — 8.
The Mary Chilton Award
is for students in Grades 6 — 8.
The Sherry Pruitt Award
is for students in Grades 9 — Undergraduate.
The Lyman Haiku Award
is for students in Grades 9 — Undergraduate.
All poems except the Lyman Haiku entries may be in any form
but no poem submitted can be more than 32 lines long.
What are the contest guidelines?
1. You may submit one different poem to each category for which you are eligible.
2. Send two typed copies of each poem on 8½ x 11 inch paper.
3. In the upper left corner of each copy:
- type the name of the award category you are entering.
- do not put your name or address on these copies.
- the name of the category and the title of the poem.
- your name, home address, zip code, and phone number.
- the name of your school, your grade,
your school address & phone number,
and your teacher's name.
6. You also must sign the paper and write:
"I pledge that this is my original poem."
The copies of the poems you submit will not be returned.
How much does it cost to enter?
— Send $2 per poem to help cover expenses.
— Make checks payable to NCPS.
Where do I mail my contest entries?
— Mail your entries to:
Sara Claytor
103 Estes Drive Extension
Carrboro, NC 27510
When will I know if I win an award?
Winners will be notified in April and will be invited to the May 18, 2007 Awards Day meeting at the Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities in Southern Pines.
— Winning poems will be published in Pinesong, the North Carolina Poetry Society's annual anthology. Each author will receive one copy of the book.
— Winning poets will be contacted for possible posting of their winning poems on the North Carolina Poetry Society Website at www.ncPoetrySociety.ORG
— Winners and honorable mentions in college, high school, or middle school will be invited to apply to become Student Poets in the Distinguished Poet Series.
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