|  | January 09, 2007 |  | In This Issue: | So, here we are! 2007! The New Year. Unschooling Leads to Self-Motivated Learning by Alison McKee Looking Back After A Year of College, Part Two by Shannon Clair Digital Frog Software by Kyle Zook Concordia Language Villages: The world of academic summer camps Review by Jeffrey Paul Oakar Language Software Language Learning Today: What Works? The Lukeion Project Review by K. Miller Homeschool News Latest Updates Copyright Notice
|  | So, here we are! 2007! The New Year.
The new "semester" in some homeschooling families' academic calendar. This is a wonderful time to evaluate the journey ahead and make alterations and additions. Where do you want your child to be, academically in June? Viewing an academic challenge in the light of this sort of time period can be very helpful, but beware of allowing it to limit you. |  | Unschooling Leads to Self-Motivated Learning by Alison McKee
How often have you considered the unschooling option, only to put such thoughts aside because you don't think your child is the self-motivated learner that one needs to be in order to make unschooling work? Maybe you think this way because your child is similar to this one: A five-year-old who spends hours of time absorbed in imaginative play. |  | Looking Back After A Year of College, Part Two by Shannon Clair
The noise in the room was overwhelming. In the centre, under the dim, pink light, a circle of partiers was drunkenly singing Bohemian Rhapsody and snatches of other classic rock-n-roll. Ridiculous laughter and shouted conversations, enlivened by various specially named drinks full of vodka and Bacardi, filled the rest of the room. |  | |  | Digital Frog Software by Kyle Zook
Wow. I have to say, over the years, I've come across a great multitude of educational software offerings, but many have fallen short of my expectations. I guess that's why I feel so fortunate to have come across this series of scientific software offered by Digital Frog, International. |  | Concordia Language Villages: The world of academic summer camps Review by Jeffrey Paul Oakar
June. Warm, sunny laughter is spilling from the dining hall. The kids are singing boisterous songs in French about baguettes and tomato salad. The counselors wear silly hats and exaggerated expressions as they lead the mealtime presentation
July. |  | |  | Language Software Language Learning Today: What Works?
As a homeschool parent, you know the value of language learning. You know that second-language study improves scores on entrance exams and strengthens applications for colleges and jobs, and you want your children to be well rounded. But with publishers and curriculum companies offering different textbooks, audio CDs, videos, and software, choosing the right materials for second-language study at home can be a challenge. |  | The Lukeion Project Review by K. Miller
Aristotle fostered a zeal for the philosophy and study of all disciplines in the ancient world. At his school near Athens, near the Lukeion or "lyceum", students were encouraged to walk around and actually examine the world, rather than sitting in the classroom. |  | |  | Homeschool News Latest Updates
Homeschoolers Take Award First Year
The Bricklayers, a homeschool team of David Hale, 10, Owen Sandercox, 10, Tristan Speed, 11, Andrew Early, 12 and Joseph Yen, 10, has a reason to be happy about its hard work. In the recent state LEGO tournament of Connecticut, the team took home third place in creative representation. |  | Copyright Notice
Copyright 2006 by Modern Media. No part of the publication can be reproduced without the express written permission of Modern Media. |  | |  |
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