Monday, January 22, 2007

Homeschool Conference in Andrews

There  is going to be  homeschool conference in Andrews.  They have tentatively scheduled Jeannie Fulbright , the author of the Apologia series of science textbooks,  to do a workshop/seminar on Sat. March 10th (See below)

It will be from 1pm or so to 5pm. Cost will probably be $15 preregistered/ $10 at the door.

If interested, you can get more information at  

This will include a couple of workshops with breaks and time for questions and answers. Jeannie Fulbright will have her books available.


Methods that Win and Methods that Wipe Out

Jeannie's workshop will uncover the reasons why we get discouraged and burnt-out as we travel along the road of homeschooling. She will explain how many homeschool moms employ philosophies, techniques and methodologies that consume a great deal of time and energy with little results. We tie up heavy burdens and place them on our backs and struggle through each day using overy difficult principles and practices that drag us down. By mid-year, we are so exhuasted and depleted that we wonder how we'll ever get through. Consequently, the joy of following God's will by homeschooling is missing. This should not be!

Jeannie will discuss some of the wasteful methods and describe winning methods you can use to replace those that wipe you out. She'll explain the latest research in educational methodology as well as time-tested practices in education that the founders of our country used to achieve an excellent education. She'll give practical tips and ideas that will breathe life into your school day. Included will be ideas for organizing your school day, scheduling and fitting difficult to teach subjects into the week.

  She will also discuss the value of notebooking and have examples of her childrens' on hand as well.

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